Mark Carney – The Globalists’ Globalist part 1
Mark Carney – The Globalist Environmentalist
I have posted on the subject of Mark Carney, the self-proclaimed environmentalist in a previous posting but with Carney now thinking that he stands a good chance of becoming Canada’s Prime Minister after declaring himself a candidate for leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, I thought that the time was perfect to revisit his connections to the global elite in a two part posting. In part one, we will look at how a central banker morphed into a banking environmental evangelist followed by a posting which looks at his significant connections to the global ruling class.
As the former Governor of the Bank of Canada and the Bank of England, two of the world’s most influential advanced economy central banks, Mr. Carney is obviously a leading figure in the world of central banksters. As though that weren’t enough, this darling of the global ruling class is also doing his best to influence the global response to climate change, often through the lens of the banking system which is quite familiar to economist Carney.
Let’s start with this announcement from the United Nations, soon to be the world’s sole parliamentary body if they have their way with the rest of us, dated December 1, 2019:
From the information that is available online, it would appear that while Mr. Carney has extensive experience in the field of finance, he has limited or no formal training in environmentalism, climatology, chemistry, physics or any of the sciences that are involved in formulating an educated response to impacting the world’s climate, however, like his ruling class peer, Mr. Bill Gates who just happens to be the world’s foremost expert on epidemiology, vaccinology and human health in general, one should never let a lack of training get in the way of forcing your ideas on the rest of humanity.
Here’s what I could find regarding his qualifications:
Since his retirement from the heady and cloistered world of central banking at the end of 2019, Carney now happens to be a member of the Board of Directors of the Nature Conservancy of Canada, a Canadian non-profit conservation organization. One would think that this would give him ample opportunity to flaunt his environmental and science credentials, however, such is not the case as shown here:
With that background behind us, let’s look at some interesting comments that were made by Mark Carney during his tenure as climate “czar” for the United Nations. Here is an interview of the Special Envoy that appears on the United Nations website dated January 2021:
Here is the first question:
“You have said that the goal of net zero is the greatest commercial opportunity of our time. Why?“
And, here’s his answer with my bolds for emphasis throughout:
Climate change is an existential threat. We all recognize that, and there’s increasing urgency around it. But the converse is, if you are making investments, coming up with new technologies, changing the way you do business, all in service of reducing and eliminating that threat, you are creating value. And what we have seen increasingly, spurred initially by the Sustainable Development Goals, accelerated by Paris, and then by social movements and governments, is societies putting tremendous value on achieving net zero. Companies, and those who invest in them and lend to them, and who are part of the solution, will be rewarded. Those who are lagging behind and are still part of the problem will be punished.
How these companies and investors will be punished, he does not say, but it is a rather threatening statement given his stature in the world of finance.
Here is another question:
“Why is mandatory carbon disclosure by large companies so important?
Here’s his response:
“We all know that what gets measured gets managed. Climate change is not yet consistently measured, although the private sector has moved in this direction since Paris. We now need to make measurement and disclosure mandatory. That’s a priority of the UN COP26 climate conference in Glasgow at the end of this year.“
And, the follow-up question:
“How do small companies figure in this?“
And again, his answer:
“If I’m running a company committed to net zero, what does that mean? It’s not just disclosing and managing the emissions in producing my product. It’s also the emissions involved in the energy I use, and the emissions all the way through my value chain, in other words, the emissions of my suppliers, many of whom are small businesses, as well as the emissions from people using a product. That company becomes responsible for disclosing all of those, and it has an incentive to manage all of those down. So it has an incentive to work with small businesses or choose those working towards lower emissions.
If multinational companies focus on their emissions all the way across their value chain, many parts of which are based in developing countries, they have an incentive to invest and help reduce emissions there as well. It is quite powerful. That’s how emissions reductions can be pulled through economies and across the world.“
So, in other words, even small companies will be expected to calculate and disclose their carbon footprint, an issue that will prove to be extremely expensive for very small family-run businesses who supply goods and services to megacorporations. On the upside, firms that provide the necessary services to calculate the carbon footprint of these companies will be rubbing their hands together with glee at the very thought of the massive revenues that will be generated.
Let’s close with this advice from a central banker on how we can all get involved in the global climate agenda, albeit, not at his level since he is far more important that we can ever hope to be:
“We all have a role in this adjustment. One of the most basic roles we have as individuals is asking questions. The bank that has our money, what’s their position on climate change? How well are they managing relative to net zero? If they give an answer you don’t like, you can move your money to an institutions that is part of the solution.
One other thing, I’m not a politician. But I’ve worked around them many times, and when constituents ask questions it is very powerful. It tells politicians what people care about. Don’t assume that your politician cares about this issue as much as you do. But they will the more you and others raise it with them. And now is the time, because climate is becoming a mainstream issue, and a lot of big decisions are being taken.“
Since we appear to be heading toward a cashless society funded by a universal basic income and a central bank digital currency ecosystem, the point about moving your money to another bank may prove to be moot.
I do agree – a lot of big decisions are being taken, unfortunately, the climate decisions being made by governments on our behalf are, at best, first order thinking where the ultimate impact of the decision is not considered (i.e. forcing us into electric vehicles but not considering where the electricity is sourced, where the plastic to make the vehicle is sourced and how the vehicles and the lithium batteries that power them will be managed once the batteries reach the end of their life cycle).