in World News

Former Obama Adviser Sentenced To Over 11 Years In Prison For Child S*x Crimes

By Danielle

A former policy adviser to Barack Obama was sentenced to 11 years and six months in prison for child sex crimes.

According to The Telegraph, Rahamim “Rami” Shy traveled to the United Kingdom “planning to rape a nine-year-old child.”

The 47-year-old traveled “from New York to Bedfordshire to meet an English schoolgirl,” the outlet noted.

However, he was trapped by an undercover police officer to whom he sent graphic messages about his plans.

“However, unbeknown to Shy, the girl did not exist,” Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) stated.

From The Telegraph:

He spent more than a month planning the trip and had packed his suitcases with cuddly toys and condoms, Luton Crown Court heard.

On an online forum and messaging apps, Shy described the “unspeakable acts” he was planning in graphic detail to someone he believed to be the girl’s grandmother.

But the grandmother, using the name Debbie, was in fact an online decoy created by an undercover officer from Bedfordshire Police.

In his messages, Shy described the girl as a “tad late” in starting sexual activity at the age of nine, and said that it was an “honour” to be considered “her first”, the court heard.

He flew to Gatwick on Feb 23 last year then drove to Bedford to meet the undercover officer, and was promptly arrested.

His lawyers tried to claim that as he was in the US at the time of the messaging, he was jurisdictionally exempt from prosecution in the UK.

But the Crown Prosecution Service successfully argued that English courts have jurisdiction to try offences committed abroad that are intended to result in criminal offences in England.

full story at

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