World News

on July 10, 2013 in World News

Palin ‘Considering’ Senate Run

Gov. Sarah Palin told Hannity that she had considered running for the Senate from her home state. Hannity asked her whether she would support the formation of a third party, a “Freedom Party”; she answered, “Well, it’s certainly not my first choice. The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln and Reagan and the planks in the platform are right for this country. I stand strong on those planks. I just wish more of our leadership and the movers and shakers in the party would stand strong on those planks with the rest of us, those of us who want… View Article

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on July 10, 2013 in World News

Poll: Hispanics Want Border Security

Poll: Hispanics Want Border Security, Interior Enforcement Before Amnesty A new poll shows that a majority of registered Hispanic voters believe any immigration legislation that becomes law should deal with border security and interior immigration law enforcement before legalization of America’s at least 11 million illegal aliens begins. “Among all Hispanics, six in ten, 60%, support granting legal status to those already here only when the 90% goal is reached; 32% oppose,” GOP pollster John McLaughlin’s group said in a release. “Among Hispanic voters, 60% support, 34% oppose.” The “90% goal” McLaughlin’s group is referencing is the target of ending… View Article

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on July 10, 2013 in World News

Texas House approves sweeping abortion restrictions

The Texas House of Representatives approved sweeping abortion restrictions on Tuesday, including a ban after 20 weeks of pregnancy and tougher standards for clinics that perform the procedure. The vote of 98-49 came after a full day of sometimes emotional debate. Before the measure can head to the state Senate, it needs a final vote from the House, which is expected on Wednesday. The House approved the same proposal during a previous special session of the legislature, but it failed to pass in the Senate after Democratic Senator Wendy Davis staged an 11-hour filibuster that gained national attention. Planned Parenthood,… View Article

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on July 10, 2013 in World News

School drops Michelle Obama lunch standards

New York school drops Michelle Obama lunch standards: Kids too hungry New York’s Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake school district has become the latest casualty in first lady Michelle Obama’s preferred lunch plan, dropping the menu after too many students complained of hunger. “[Food service manager Nicky] Boehm and her staff worked hard to implement the new regulations, but there were just too many problems and too many foods that students did not like and would not purchase,” said Assistant Superintendent Chris Abdoo about the National School Lunch Program in a statement reported by “Students complained of being hungry with these… View Article

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on July 10, 2013 in World News


In an initiative aimed at rooting out future leakers and other security violators, President Barack Obama has ordered federal employees to report suspicious actions of their colleagues based on behavioral profiling techniques that are not scientifically proven to work, according to experts and government documents. The techniques are a key pillar of the Insider Threat Program, an unprecedented government-wide crackdown under which millions of federal bureaucrats and contractors must watch out for “high-risk persons or behaviors” among co-workers. Those who fail to report them could face penalties, including criminal charges. Obama mandated the program in an October 2011 executive order… View Article

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on July 10, 2013 in World News

Patient Wakes Up as Doctors Get Ready to Remove Organs

Patient Wakes Up as Doctors Get Ready to Remove Organs It was exactly midnight when Caroline Burns eerily opened her eyes and looked at the operating lights above her, shocking doctors who believed she was dead and were about to remove her organs and donate them to patients on the transplant waiting list. The Syracuse Post-Standard unearthed a report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that chronicled the series of errors that led to the near-organ removal on a living patient at St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center in Syracuse, N.Y., in 2009. “The patient did not suffer… View Article

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on July 9, 2013 in World News

Illinois Enacts Nation’s Final Concealed-Gun Law

Illinois became the last state in the nation to allow public possession of concealed guns as lawmakers rushed Tuesday to finalize a proposal ahead of a federal court’s deadline. Both chambers of the Legislature voted to override changes Gov. Pat Quinn made to the bill they approved more than a month ago. Even some critics of the law argued it was better to approve something rather than risk the courts allowing virtually unregulated concealed weapons in Chicago, which has endured severe gun violence in recent months. The Senate voted 41-17 in favor of the override Tuesday afternoon after the House… View Article

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on July 9, 2013 in World News

Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Repeal Bill of Rights

Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Repeal Bill of Rights Social commentator Mark Dice invited citizens to sign the petition to “support Obama repealing the bill of rights, taking things further than the Patriot Act” and replacing it with “new NDAA-type legislation.” Dice labeled the Constitution “old fashioned” and “ancient” in “today’s new world order” as Americans willingly put pen to paper. “He’s done everything he can to repeal the bill of rights but we’re just showing the citizenry is right behind him repealing the bill of rights,” Dice stressed as signatories nodded in agreement. People signing the petition still...

Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Repeal Bill of Rights Social commentator Mark Dice invited citizens to sign the petition to “support Obama repealing the bill of rights, taking things further than the Patriot Act” and replacing it with “new...

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on July 9, 2013 in World News

Ordered Not To Speak About Michael Hastings Crash

Police, Firefighters Ordered Not To Speak About Michael Hastings Crash San Diego 6 journalist Kimberly Dvorak says she was unable to obtain the police report concerning the crash despite the fact that the LAPD already ruled out “foul play” days after the incident. A gag order has also been placed on cops and firefighters who both responded to and investigated the crash, which occurred in the early hours of June 18 in the Hancock Park neighborhood of Los Angeles. “When you go to the LA police department and you go to the fire department….they all said they couldn’t comment...

Police, Firefighters Ordered Not To Speak About Michael Hastings Crash San Diego 6 journalist Kimberly Dvorak says she was unable to obtain the police report concerning the crash despite the fact that the LAPD already ruled out “foul play”...

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on July 9, 2013 in World News

Carry Permit Applicants Still Waiting Approval

  45,000 Handgun Carry Permit Applicants Still Waiting Approval Indiana State Police say they’re seeing an influx of handgun carry permit applications, statewide. Sgt. Ron Galaviz with the Indiana State Police (ISP) says handgun carry permit applications have gone from approximately 62,000 in 2012, to approximately 92,000 as of June 2013. Approximately 23,000 of those applications were received in January 2013, alone Sgt. Galaviz says there could be many reasons for the increase in gun carry applications. Perhaps it’s a reaction to the Sandy Hook shooting and President Barack Obama threatening to restrict gun laws. Sgt. Galaviz also credits their… View Article

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