Anti-Grooming Gang Protests in Telford After ‘1,000 Girls Raped’
by Liam Deacon More than 100 people marched in Telford Friday demanding action against Muslim rape gangs, after revelations in the media suggested the town could have been hit by the largest grooming scandal in the UK. The protest, organized by the Democratic Football Lads Alliance, called for a “full public inquiry” into the abuse. They were met by a socialist group of around 40 “anti-racists” who opposed the demonstration, claiming it was bigoted. Those opposed to the grooming carried placards reading “Victims reach out, we will save you,” and “A vote 4 Labour is a vote for rape.”...
by Liam Deacon More than 100 people marched in Telford Friday demanding action against Muslim rape gangs, after revelations in the media suggested the town could have been hit by the largest grooming scandal in the UK. The protest,...
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