Tag Archive: 000 Jobs

on June 28, 2016 in World News

Oakland City Council Votes to Ban Coal, Lose 1,000 Jobs

by Joel B. Pollak The Oakland City Council voted unanimously Monday evening to ban the storage, handling and export of coal from a new port terminal. The council did so despite the prospect of 1,000 construction jobs, and 120 permanent jobs, at the terminal site. The purported reason for banning coal was concern about health and safety. However, broader environmental concerns about climate change, and the desire to ban all fossil fuels from the economy, played a role in the public debate about the issue. A campaign led by Earthjustice, an environmental group, had urged the public to back the resolution banning… View Article

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on July 18, 2014 in World News

Microsoft to Slash 18,000 Jobs

Microsoft to Slash 18,000 Jobs Week After Bill Gates Pushed for Unlimited Guest-Worker Visas On Thursday, a week after former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates argued for amnesty and for an unlimited number of high-tech guest-worker visas, Microsoft announced it would slash 18,000 jobs. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella promised his employees that “we will go through this process in the most thoughtful and transparent way possible.” Analysts told USA Today that the number being let go was “larger than expected.” The “vast majority” of employees will reportedly be notified “within the next six months” and “earn severance and job transition help… View Article

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