Tag Archive: 000 people or more show Donald Trump clobbering Hillary Clinton big time

on August 14, 2016 in Featured World News

POLLS based on 100,000 people or more show Donald Trump clobbering Hillary Clinton big time

By BareNakedIslam Despite a majority of opinion polls suddenly showing the 2016 presidential election going to Democrat Hillary Clinton, a smartphone app developer says his data indicate that challenger Donald Trump will be the victor. USA Today  Media like to run with polls based on less than two thousand people which say Hillary is winning. But how about if we poll 100,000 people, does Hillary Clinton win then? Not at all says a smartphone app developer. Their results reveal the opposite is true. When more people are polled the data shows that Donald Trump will be the victor. “Based on the stats we see, he looks...

By BareNakedIslam Despite a majority of opinion polls suddenly showing the 2016 presidential election going to Democrat Hillary Clinton, a smartphone app developer says his data indicate that challenger Donald Trump will be the victor. USA Today  Media like to run with...

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