Tag Archive: 000 to 200

on April 26, 2016 in World News

U.S. Conspires With UN to Expand Syrian Refugees From 10,000 to 200,000

Alicia Powe President Obama and Congress have agreed to fund the permanent resettlement of 10,000 Syrian refugees. But as Europe burns from the flooding of thousands of them, Obama has concluded that 10,000 unvetted refugees in the United States is not sufficient. He wants ten times more migrants from jihadist hotbeds in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Somalia to resettle in America. From Washington Examiner: In a move around the standard refugee settlement process in America, the United Nations and the administration are scheming to find other ways to boost the number of Syrians entering the country, from 10,000 this...

Alicia Powe President Obama and Congress have agreed to fund the permanent resettlement of 10,000 Syrian refugees. But as Europe burns from the flooding of thousands of them, Obama has concluded that 10,000 unvetted refugees in the United States...

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