Tag Archive: “90k Infected”: Chinese Nurse Claims Coronavirus Outbreak In Wuhan Is MUCH WORSE Than Reported

on January 28, 2020 in World News

“90,000 Infected”: Chinese Nurse Claims Coronavirus Outbreak In Wuhan Is MUCH WORSE Than Reported

by The Scoop The Wuhan coronavirus may have infected more people than reported by Chinese media. In a leaked video, a nurse in Wuhan, China claimed that 90,000 people in China have been infected so far and stated that many people are currently in China visiting family due to Chinese New Year. The Chinese nurse warned that the virus is showing signs of mutation and that millions of people could be at risk of getting infected. WATCH:   https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/01/90000-infected-chinese-nurse-claims-coronavirus-outbreak-in-wuhan-is-much-worse-than-reported-video/

by The Scoop The Wuhan coronavirus may have infected more people than reported by Chinese media. In a leaked video, a nurse in Wuhan, China claimed that 90,000 people in China have been infected so far and stated that many people...

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