Black Pro-Life Speaker Conceived by Rape Attacked at Christian College for Making ‘Students of Color’ Feel Unsafe
By Benjamin Arie It wasn’t that long ago that colleges were places of intellectual challenge and debate. Sharp students attended universities to be exposed to new ideas and diverse topics, all intended to produce well-rounded graduates who could think for themselves. Not anymore. If there was any doubt that liberalism has ironically destroyed liberal arts universities, an incident at Wheaton College in Wheaton, IL should clear it up. That’s where a black activist named Ryan Bomberger was recently invited to speak. His speech, which is available online, was critical of both the Black Lives Matter movement and Planned Parenthood, which is...
By Benjamin Arie It wasn’t that long ago that colleges were places of intellectual challenge and debate. Sharp students attended universities to be exposed to new ideas and diverse topics, all intended to produce well-rounded graduates who could think...
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