Black Trump Supporter Rejects ‘White Guilt’ On CNN
By Robert Kraychik “When it comes to ‘No White Guilt,’ I agree with that,” said Diante Johnson, a supporter of President Donald Trump, to CNN’s Ryan Nobles on Saturday. Nobles sought to frame Saturday’s “Mother of All Rallies” event — a political rally supporting Trump — in Washington, D.C. as somehow hostile to “people of diverse perspectives.” Partial transcript below: NOBLES: There are clearly a lot of prominent African-American leaders that feel differently than you do about the president. What do they have wrong about their perception of Donald Trump? JOHNSON: They don’t have the research. They haven’t...
By Robert Kraychik “When it comes to ‘No White Guilt,’ I agree with that,” said Diante Johnson, a supporter of President Donald Trump, to CNN’s Ryan Nobles on Saturday. Nobles sought to frame Saturday’s “Mother of All Rallies”...
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