Tag Archive: Black Trump Supporter Rejects ‘White Guilt’ On CNN

on September 18, 2017 in Featured World News

Black Trump Supporter Rejects ‘White Guilt’ On CNN

By Robert Kraychik   “When it comes to ‘No White Guilt,’ I agree with that,” said Diante Johnson, a supporter of President Donald Trump, to CNN’s Ryan Nobles on Saturday. Nobles sought to frame Saturday’s “Mother of All Rallies” event — a political rally supporting Trump — in Washington, D.C. as somehow hostile to “people of diverse perspectives.” Partial transcript below: NOBLES: There are clearly a lot of prominent African-American leaders that feel differently than you do about the president. What do they have wrong about their perception of Donald Trump? JOHNSON: They don’t have the research. They haven’t...

By Robert Kraychik   “When it comes to ‘No White Guilt,’ I agree with that,” said Diante Johnson, a supporter of President Donald Trump, to CNN’s Ryan Nobles on Saturday. Nobles sought to frame Saturday’s “Mother of All Rallies”...

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