Black Woman Writes about Carrying Weapon, NYT Commenters Freak Out
Dear black women: libs would prefer you just walk around scared. by M.J. Randolph Antonia Okafor, a grad student at the University of Texas, Dallas, absolutely incensed the readers of the New York Times when she wrote about how she bought a Ruger LC9 in response to her fear for her safety. She writes: It was my first year as a public policy graduate student at the University of Texas, Dallas, and I was taking all my classes at night so I could work during the day. Every evening, after class got out around 10, I had to walk through the...
Dear black women: libs would prefer you just walk around scared. by M.J. Randolph Antonia Okafor, a grad student at the University of Texas, Dallas, absolutely incensed the readers of the New York Times when she wrote about how she bought...
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