Tag Archive: Blame the Russians for Election Loss

on November 23, 2016 in World News

Clinton May Demand a Recount, Blame the Russians for Election Loss

Source: Kurt Nimmo, Blacklisted News Exclusive Hillary Clinton and John Podesta are playing wait-and-see after a group of voting rights experts and computer security buffs claimed the election was hacked in favor of Donald Trump. “Hillary Clinton could have been robbed of the presidency by hackers, a group of experts claims – and now they’re calling for her to demand a recount,” the Daily Mail reports. The group says votes in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania may have been hacked to lower Clinton’s numbers. The experts believe she may have been robbed of around 30,000 votes. On Tuesday New York...

Source: Kurt Nimmo, Blacklisted News Exclusive Hillary Clinton and John Podesta are playing wait-and-see after a group of voting rights experts and computer security buffs claimed the election was hacked in favor of Donald Trump. “Hillary Clinton could have...

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