Tag Archive: Blaming Russia For Everything Wrong in the US is Getting Dangerous

on October 30, 2016 in World News

Blaming Russia For Everything Wrong in the US is Getting Dangerous

By Luke Rudkowski In this video Luke Rudkowski covers more geopolitical moves and how the recent presidential election with Hillary Clinton is making the situation with Putin worse. The situation between these two super global powers is intensifying and becoming dangerous for both nations. As WikiLeaks keeps releasing more information, the more pressure the DNC is putting against Russia instead of taking responsibility. http://www.activistpost.com/2016/10/blaming-russia-everything-wrong-us-getting-dangerous.html

By Luke Rudkowski In this video Luke Rudkowski covers more geopolitical moves and how the recent presidential election with Hillary Clinton is making the situation with Putin worse. The situation between these two super global powers is intensifying and...

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