“You’re a Disgrace! A Dictator!” — EU Parliament Humiliates Trudeau, Blasts Him for Gross Human Rights Violations
By Matt Agorist This week Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visited the EU Parliament to deliver a speech on the threat to democracy the West is currently facing. The idea of such an obvious tyrant delivering a speech about democracy being under threat after ushering in one of the most insane authoritarian nightmares faced by the West in decades would be laughable if it were a work of fiction. Unfortunately, however, it was no work of fiction; and as the reactions from other EU MEPs highlight, it did not go unnoticed. After Trudeau’s lip service to “democracy” in Brussels...
By Matt Agorist This week Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visited the EU Parliament to deliver a speech on the threat to democracy the West is currently facing. The idea of such an obvious tyrant delivering a speech about...
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