BLM Replaces Torn Down Statue With One of Their Own – Gets Hauled Away in a Dumpster the Next Day
By Cassandra Fairbanks An artist replaced a statue that was toppled in the UK last month with a resin statue of a Black Lives Matter protester who had climbed on top of the base for a photo following the vandalism — it was appropriately hauled off in a dumpster the next day. UPDATE: The Bristol #AntifaBLM statue was hauled away in a garbage truck this morning. I still fully expect this crap to happen in the US though so be ready regardless. — (@LucidCaucasity) July 16, 2020 “I understand people want expression, but the statue has been put...
By Cassandra Fairbanks An artist replaced a statue that was toppled in the UK last month with a resin statue of a Black Lives Matter protester who had climbed on top of the base for a photo following the...
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