Tag Archive: BLM Thug Thinks He Has Upper Hand On Small Cop

on August 18, 2016 in World News

BLM Thug Thinks He Has Upper Hand On Small Cop, Not Laughing Seconds Later

All caught on video, a thug thought he had the upper hand on a police officer that was a bit smaller than him. Despite the fact that his buddy was cheering him on during the entire thing, it would only take a few seconds to realize just how big of a mistake he had made – and by then, he wasn’t laughing anymore. The incident took place in Fresno, California after a uniformed police officer spotted a high school teen jaywalking across the street. Although the thug didn’t think that the laws applied to him, the cop still wanted...

All caught on video, a thug thought he had the upper hand on a police officer that was a bit smaller than him. Despite the fact that his buddy was cheering him on during the entire thing, it would...

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