on August 18, 2016 in World News
BLM Thug Thinks He Has Upper Hand On Small Cop, Not Laughing Seconds Later
All caught on video, a thug thought he had the upper hand on a police officer that was a bit smaller than him. Despite the fact that his buddy was cheering him on during the entire thing, it would only take a few seconds to realize just how big of a mistake he had made – and by then, he wasn’t laughing anymore. The incident took place in Fresno, California after a uniformed police officer spotted a high school teen jaywalking across the street. Although the thug didn’t think that the laws applied to him, the cop still wanted...
All caught on video, a thug thought he had the upper hand on a police officer that was a bit smaller than him. Despite the fact that his buddy was cheering him on during the entire thing, it would...
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