Tag Archive: Block Complaints Which ‘Interfere’ With LGBT Agenda

on December 14, 2017 in World News

Primary Schools Told to ‘Celebrate’ Transgender People, Block Complaints Which ‘Interfere’ With LGBT Agenda

by Virginia Hale Primary schools should stock books and learning resources which “celebrate” transgender people, according to new Government-backed guidelines aimed at fighting prejudice. Guidance released Wednesday by the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) — which represents nearly 30,000 school leaders, most of whom are primary heads — instructs schools to “ensure the visibility” of transgender perspectives in the classroom. The document was specifically drawn up to advise schools on how best to make transgender staff, “students”, and pupils with transgender parents “feel positively represented in lesson content and welcomed in the school environment”. “Primary school leaders may...

by Virginia Hale Primary schools should stock books and learning resources which “celebrate” transgender people, according to new Government-backed guidelines aimed at fighting prejudice. Guidance released Wednesday by the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) — which represents nearly...

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