Tag Archive: Blocks Pro-Life Messages as ‘Inflammatory

on October 10, 2017 in World News

Twitter Allows Abortion Ads, Blocks Pro-Life Messages as ‘Inflammatory,’ ‘Offensive’

by Dr. Susan Berry Twitter has blocked Rep. Marsha Blackburn’s Senate campaign ad that praises her work as chairwoman of the House Select Panel investigating fetal tissue trafficking, yet it continues to allow Planned Parenthood to advertise abortion. As Breitbart News is reporting, Blackburn, who is running for the U.S. Senate seat of retiring Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker, states in her ad that she “stopped the sale of baby body parts,” a reference to the fact that she chaired the House panel. According to the Associated Press, a Twitter representative told Blackburn’s vendors the statement was “deemed an inflammatory...

by Dr. Susan Berry Twitter has blocked Rep. Marsha Blackburn’s Senate campaign ad that praises her work as chairwoman of the House Select Panel investigating fetal tissue trafficking, yet it continues to allow Planned Parenthood to advertise abortion. As...

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