Tag Archive: blood clots

on March 18, 2017 in World News

Countless teenage girls suffer paralysis, blood clots, brain damage and chronic pain from force-vaccination of Gardasil’s HPV “shot in the dark”

by S.D. Wells A sexually transmitted disease called human papillomavirus (HPV) is the only form of cancer known to be contagious, but what the medical community won’t tell parents of teenagers and preteens is that HPV is easily defeated by a normal functioning immune system. Of the 120 or more different strains of HPV, only about 15 are carcinogenic, and the HPV vaccines, which have never been proven safe or effective in any clinical trials, literally take a shot in the dark at a couple of these strains, much like the haphazard flu shot administered every year to tens...

by S.D. Wells A sexually transmitted disease called human papillomavirus (HPV) is the only form of cancer known to be contagious, but what the medical community won’t tell parents of teenagers and preteens is that HPV is easily defeated...

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