Tag Archive: Blue State Blues: After 2017

on December 15, 2017 in World News

Blue State Blues: After 2017, America Is a Happier Place

by Joel B. Pollak You would not know it from the headlines, or the polarized nature of our politics, but America today is a happier place than it was a year ago. President Donald Trump will not receive credit for that, but it is largely his doing, and it is important to understand why, especially if the political pendulum has begun to swing in the opposite direction, risking a return to the politics of divide-and-rule that Barack Obama brought from Chicago to the Oval Office. The signs of healing are everywhere, if you know where to look. Starting with the...

by Joel B. Pollak You would not know it from the headlines, or the polarized nature of our politics, but America today is a happier place than it was a year ago. President Donald Trump will not receive credit for...

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