Tag Archive: Blue State Blues: How ‘Art of the Deal’ Explains the Obamacare Replacement Debate

on March 10, 2017 in World News

Blue State Blues: How ‘Art of the Deal’ Explains the Obamacare Replacement Debate

by Joel B. Pollak This week, Republicans unveiled the American Health Care Act, the bill written by Congress, and adopted by President Donald Trump, to replace Obamacare (without quite repealing it). The rollout has been less than stunning. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) made a valiant effort, and the White House is backing him. Yet conservatives in both the House and Senate rejected the bill, Democrats want nothing to do with it, and it looks doomed to fail — if it even comes to a vote. On the surface, this is a big potential failure for the young Trump presidency. But...

by Joel B. Pollak This week, Republicans unveiled the American Health Care Act, the bill written by Congress, and adopted by President Donald Trump, to replace Obamacare (without quite repealing it). The rollout has been less than stunning. Speaker of...

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