Blue State Blues: You’re Hitler if You Disagree with Me
by Joel B. Pollak My old friend Jamie Kirchik has penned an op-ed in the Washington Post accusing Republicans who support Donald Trump of being “Vichy Republicans.” As in, collaborators with Hitler.* As if to prove that bad ideas are rarely original, George Skelton of the Los Angeles Times writes that the 75% of Republican voters who chose Trump are not “true patriots.” Gone is the Bush-era notion that “dissent is patriotic.” Dissent, according to our elite media betters, is grounds for exclusion. Note, however, that public shaming never happens to liberals. If you’re a Democrat who overlooked Barack Obama’s twenty years in Jeremiah Wright’s racist church, and...
by Joel B. Pollak My old friend Jamie Kirchik has penned an op-ed in the Washington Post accusing Republicans who support Donald Trump of being “Vichy Republicans.” As in, collaborators with Hitler.* As if to prove that bad ideas are rarely original,...
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