Tag Archive: Booed After Pitching $500k GoFundMe to Megyn Kelly Audience

on August 22, 2018 in Featured World News

Cohen Lawyer Laughed At, Booed After Pitching $500k GoFundMe to Megyn Kelly Audience

Chris Menahan InformationLiberation Michael Cohen’s lawyer Lanny Davis was laughed at and booed by Megyn Kelly’s audience on Wednesday after asking viewers to pitch in on Michael Cohen’s $500,000 GoFundMe campaign. From Mediaite: “Could I take one opportunity to remind everyone that Michael Cohen has suffered a tragic and difficult experience with his family,” Davis said. “He’s without resources, and we’ve set up a website called michaelcohentruth.com, that we’re hoping that he will get some help from the American people so he can continue to tell the truth.” The audience straight up laughed at Davis’s plea for cash. “I...

Chris Menahan InformationLiberation Michael Cohen’s lawyer Lanny Davis was laughed at and booed by Megyn Kelly’s audience on Wednesday after asking viewers to pitch in on Michael Cohen’s $500,000 GoFundMe campaign. From Mediaite: “Could I take one opportunity to...

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