Book Of Blank Pages Titled ‘Reasons To Vote For Democrats’ Becomes AMAZON BEST SELLER
by Jim Hoft Guest post by Aleister at American Lookout: OK, this is pretty funny. A guy published a book about reasons to vote for Democrats and it’s full of empty pages. Even funnier? It has become a best-seller on Amazon. FOX News reported: Amazon best-seller ‘Reasons to Vote for Democrats’ book is just empty pages To quote an excerpt from author Michael J. Knowles’ new book, the main reason to vote for a Democrat is “ .” The above is not a typo. Knowles’ tome, “Reasons to Vote for Democrats: A Comprehensive Guide,” is 266 pages of absolutely...
by Jim Hoft Guest post by Aleister at American Lookout: OK, this is pretty funny. A guy published a book about reasons to vote for Democrats and it’s full of empty pages. Even funnier? It has become a best-seller...
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