Tag Archive: Book Of Blank Pages Titled ‘Reasons To Vote For Democrats’ Becomes AMAZON BEST SELLER

on March 10, 2017 in World News

Book Of Blank Pages Titled ‘Reasons To Vote For Democrats’ Becomes AMAZON BEST SELLER

by Jim Hoft Guest post by Aleister at American Lookout: OK, this is pretty funny. A guy published a book about reasons to vote for Democrats and it’s full of empty pages. Even funnier? It has become a best-seller on Amazon. FOX News reported: Amazon best-seller ‘Reasons to Vote for Democrats’ book is just empty pages To quote an excerpt from author Michael J. Knowles’ new book, the main reason to vote for a Democrat is “ .” The above is not a typo. Knowles’ tome, “Reasons to Vote for Democrats: A Comprehensive Guide,” is 266 pages of absolutely...

by Jim Hoft Guest post by Aleister at American Lookout: OK, this is pretty funny. A guy published a book about reasons to vote for Democrats and it’s full of empty pages. Even funnier? It has become a best-seller...

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