Tag Archive: Brady Documents Finally Disclosed by Government Exonerate General Michael Flynn

on April 24, 2020 in World News

Brady Documents Finally Disclosed by Government Exonerate General Michael Flynn

By Cristina Laila Brady documents finally disclosed by the DOJ in General Flynn’s case reveal exculpatory evidence for Flynn. The documents are filed under seal, but attorney Sidney Powell said it reveals Flynn did not commit any crimes. “The enclosed documents were obtained and analyzed by USA EDMO in March and April 2020 and are provided to you as a result of this ongoing review; additional documents may be forthcoming. These materials are covered by the Protective Order entered by the Court on February 21, 2018,” Shea’s letter to Powell states. #BREAKING The government just provided the #Flynn defense...

By Cristina Laila Brady documents finally disclosed by the DOJ in General Flynn’s case reveal exculpatory evidence for Flynn. The documents are filed under seal, but attorney Sidney Powell said it reveals Flynn did not commit any crimes. “The...

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