Tag Archive: Brainwash Children Against Trump and Brexit

on January 9, 2017 in World News

Brainwash Children Against Trump and Brexit, Top Education Mag Tells Teachers

by Virginia Hale “Lies” were responsible for the electoral success of Donald Trump and Brexit, and the role of teachers is to push students towards “progressive rebellion”, according to a piece in this week’s TES. Writing in the weekly magazine for educators, which was formerly known as the Times Educational Supplement, Oliver Beach called victories for populism at the ballot box last year “frightening” and said teachers must counter the “post-truth” climate from which he claims they resulted. Beach, who appeared on the BBC show ‘Tough Young Teachers’ before quitting the profession, cites “post-truth politics” as “the most frightening development” of...

by Virginia Hale “Lies” were responsible for the electoral success of Donald Trump and Brexit, and the role of teachers is to push students towards “progressive rebellion”, according to a piece in this week’s TES. Writing in the weekly...

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