Tag Archive: BREAKING: ‘Explosive’ Text Messages Expose Peter Strzok’s Personal Relationship With Judge Involved In Gen. Flynn Case

on March 16, 2018 in World News

BREAKING: ‘Explosive’ Text Messages Expose Peter Strzok’s Personal Relationship With Judge Involved In Gen. Flynn Case

by Joshua Caplan Fox News contributor Sara A. Carter reports newly redacted text messages reveal disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok had a personal relationship with Rudolph Contreras, the District of Columbia Judge who abruptly recused himself from former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn’s criminal case.  Sara Carter reports on the ‘explosive’ texts: In a text message chain from Page to Strzok on July, 25, 2016 she writes, “Rudy is on the FISC! Did you know that? Just appointed two months ago.” At that point, the pair continues to discuss other issues but comes back to Contrares, “I did. We talked...

by Joshua Caplan Fox News contributor Sara A. Carter reports newly redacted text messages reveal disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok had a personal relationship with Rudolph Contreras, the District of Columbia Judge who abruptly recused himself from former National Security...

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