Tag Archive: Brexit: Soros Defeated by Act of God

on June 24, 2016 in World News

Brexit: Soros Defeated by Act of God

by Chriss W. Street As Breitbart News predicted, severe flooding hammering the UK on Election Day depressed British turnout enough to assure a victory for the “Brexit” from the European Union. Breitbart News reported that George Soros had served as “The Puppet Master” of the E.U. “remain” campaign by mobilizing British elites to spread fear that a vote to “leave” would cause the pound to be devalued by 15 to 20 percent and GDP per household to fall by $6,321. With the pre-election polls showing the “remain” leading and London bookies offering 13 to 1 odds against the “Brexit,”...

by Chriss W. Street As Breitbart News predicted, severe flooding hammering the UK on Election Day depressed British turnout enough to assure a victory for the “Brexit” from the European Union. Breitbart News reported that George Soros had served...

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