Britain’s Virtue-Signalling Wankerati Welcome Syria’s Refugee Men-Children
by James Delingpole Hordes of Syrian man-children are currently invading Britain – ‘kids’ who look at least ten years older than they claim. The Home Office says it would be quite, quite wrong to test their age by examining their teeth because that would be “inappropriate and unethical”. Using your skill and judgement, see if you can guess which aspect of this scandal is most troubling the British celebrity chattering classes, aka the Wankerati. Is it: a) Potentially dangerous illegal migrants are burning their passports and lying about their age in order to take advantage of the gullibility, inefficiency and political correctness of...
by James Delingpole Hordes of Syrian man-children are currently invading Britain – ‘kids’ who look at least ten years older than they claim. The Home Office says it would be quite, quite wrong to test their age by examining...
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