Tag Archive: British Army to Phase out Fossil Fuels to Attract Eco-Friendly Recruits

on September 13, 2019 in World News

British Army to Phase out Fossil Fuels to Attract Eco-Friendly Recruits

by James Delingpole The British Army is considering phasing out fossil-fuel-powered tanks, APCs and lorries in order to save the planet and to attract more recruits who are worried about global warming. No, really. These are the words of Britain’s senior army officer, General Sir Mark Carleton-Smith, speaking at a defence and security event in London yesterday. The Telegraph reports: Calling on British industry to lead the way on developing new sources of energy for the military, he added: “The challenge, and genuine commercial opportunity, is to aim high and lead the world in the development of military equipment which...

by James Delingpole The British Army is considering phasing out fossil-fuel-powered tanks, APCs and lorries in order to save the planet and to attract more recruits who are worried about global warming. No, really. These are the words of...

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