Tag Archive: British Columbia school board apologizes for violent anti-Christian meme posted by trustee

on August 8, 2023 in World News

British Columbia school board apologizes for violent anti-Christian meme posted by trustee

by Clare Marie Merkowsky The Chilliwack Board of Education claimed the meme was misunderstood and did not ‘ ‘advocate crushing traditional values.’ (LifeSiteNews) — A British Columbia school board apologized for a violent, anti-Christian meme posted by a school trustee. On July 31, Chilliwack Board of Education chair Willow Reichelt issued an apology on behalf of the school district after trustee Teri Westerby posted a meme depicting “Traditional Family,” “Christian Values,” and the “Sanctity of Marriage” being steamrolled by a rainbow-colored tractor. This is Teri Westerby, a school trustee at the woke @ChilliwackSD33 laughing about steamrolling the “traditional family”...

by Clare Marie Merkowsky The Chilliwack Board of Education claimed the meme was misunderstood and did not ‘ ‘advocate crushing traditional values.’ (LifeSiteNews) — A British Columbia school board apologized for a violent, anti-Christian meme posted by a school...

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