British Doctor Determines Baby Alfie Must Die Because His Parents Have an Attitude
by Jim Hoft A British doctor tending to the sick Baby Alfie says the boy must die because his parents have an attitude. Baby Alfie and his father. A British doctor says Alfie’s family has a attitude problem. (WND) This is socialized medicine at its extreme. Cruel medical administrators basing life and death decisions by the attitudes of their parents. Democrats want this for America. The Federalist reported: A British doctor treating Alfie Evans told reporters off the record his parents won’t be allowed to take their child out of the hospital, even to die at home, unless there...
by Jim Hoft A British doctor tending to the sick Baby Alfie says the boy must die because his parents have an attitude. Baby Alfie and his father. A British doctor says Alfie’s family has a attitude problem. (WND)...
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