Tag Archive: British Parents Removing Children from Lessons on Islam

on January 10, 2019 in World News

British Parents Removing Children from Lessons on Islam, Report Finds

by Victoria Friedman A report that found that parents in Essex are removing their children from Religion Education (RE) lessons on Islam and school trips to mosques. The Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) has found that parents in Thurrock, South-East England, “have objected to the teaching of Islam and withdrawn children from lessons and visits to places of worship,” the Thurrock Gazette reports. SACRE, which recommends the teaching of religion in schools, said that it would need to launch an investigation into how many parents are pulling their children from aspects of religious education teaching. “The outcome for those...

by Victoria Friedman A report that found that parents in Essex are removing their children from Religion Education (RE) lessons on Islam and school trips to mosques. The Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) has found that parents...

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