British Pathologist: Why COVID-19’s Death Rate May Be Lower Than We Feared
By James Barrett In an op-ed published Thursday by the Spectator, recently-retired Professor of Pathology and National Health Service (NHS) consultant pathologist John Lee raises what he describes as some perspectives on the coronavirus death rate that have “hardly been aired in the past weeks” and which “point to an interpretation of the figures rather different from that which the [British] government is acting on.” “The simplest way to judge whether we have an exceptionally lethal disease is to look at the death rates,” Lee explains. “Are more people dying than we would expect to die anyway in a...
By James Barrett In an op-ed published Thursday by the Spectator, recently-retired Professor of Pathology and National Health Service (NHS) consultant pathologist John Lee raises what he describes as some perspectives on the coronavirus death rate that have “hardly...
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