Tag Archive: British Support Trump Visit

on May 29, 2019 in World News

British Support Trump Visit

by Joe Markham A new poll has shown that President Donald Trump’s visit to the UK is welcomed by a plurality of voters with more thinking the visit should go ahead than those opposed. The poll by YouGov asked, “should (the visit) go ahead or be cancelled?” with 46 per cent of respondents saying that the visit should go ahead while 40 per cent saying it should be called off. These results echo a similar poll, also conducted by YouGov last year, in which 50 per cent backed President Trump’s summer 2018 visit. President Trump is due to arrive...

by Joe Markham A new poll has shown that President Donald Trump’s visit to the UK is welcomed by a plurality of voters with more thinking the visit should go ahead than those opposed. The poll by YouGov asked,...

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