Bro Calls BS On Virus Crisis — Puts China And CNN On FULL Blast
Written by Wes Walker This businessman is laying a beat-down on China AND the panic-inducing Western media. And did we mention he’s a DEMOCRAT? This guy is more committed to seeing his COUNTRY do well than he is seeing a Republican Presidency cut short. We used to call that ‘patriotism’. The media, on the other hand, is happy to carry water for the Chinese Communist party’s propaganda efforts — and whipping the American public into an Economy-crushing panic — so long as it hurts Orange Man Bad come the elections in November. While everyone else is taking the news...
Written by Wes Walker This businessman is laying a beat-down on China AND the panic-inducing Western media. And did we mention he’s a DEMOCRAT? This guy is more committed to seeing his COUNTRY do well than he is seeing...
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