Tag Archive: Broken IV

on November 1, 2017 in World News

Canada: Man Dies After Facing Long Wait Time, Broken IV, and Being Handed to Interns

By Cillian Zeal A Nova Scotia man with terminal pancreatic cancer who wasn’t seen by doctors until six hours after he was transferred to the Halifax Infirmary died a painful death days later after multiple problems with his care, and now his widow has forced the system to make changes. According to CTV News, 68-year-old Jack Webb was transferred to the Infirmary from a suburban Canadian emergency room, and was supposed to have been seen immediately upon arrival by an internal medical specialist. That didn’t happen. “Instead, nobody was waiting and he lay shivering in a crowded emergency room...

By Cillian Zeal A Nova Scotia man with terminal pancreatic cancer who wasn’t seen by doctors until six hours after he was transferred to the Halifax Infirmary died a painful death days later after multiple problems with his care,...

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