Tag Archive: But Media Aren’t Invested In The Story For Some Reason

on May 1, 2024 in Featured World News

A Man Killed Four Cops And Broke ‘Gun Control’ Laws, But Media Aren’t Invested In The Story For Some Reason

  Eddie Scarry Visit on Twitter @eScarry Terry Clark Hughes is black, which isn’t convenient for the media’s perpetual campaign against gun rights and law enforcement. A white man shot black law enforcement officers this week, ultimately killing four of them and wounding four more, and he did it as they were attempting to arrest him for breaking “gun control” laws. Where are all the stories about “white supremacy” and “assault weapons bans”? Wait, never mind. The suspect is black and all four victims are white. Nothing to see here, after all! It’s interesting how that works. Just shy...

  Eddie Scarry Visit on Twitter @eScarry Terry Clark Hughes is black, which isn’t convenient for the media’s perpetual campaign against gun rights and law enforcement. A white man shot black law enforcement officers this week, ultimately killing four...

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