Reopening Schools Compared to Slavery and White Supremacist Ideology, Says La Mesa, CA School Board Member
Posted by Mike LaChance “seems like a very white supremacy ideology to conform…privilege you guys….check it” Once again, a California school board member has been caught saying something outrageous on camera without realizing the event was public. The last time something like this happened was less than a week ago. During an argument over reopening schools in La Mesa, California, the member compared it to slavery and white supremacy. Total lunacy. Matt Vespa writes at Townhall: We Have Another School Board Hot Mic Fiasco. Want to Guess What Was Said? Hint: It’s Full-Blown Woke. It happened again. Granted,...
Posted by Mike LaChance “seems like a very white supremacy ideology to conform…privilege you guys….check it” Once again, a California school board member has been caught saying something outrageous on camera without realizing the event was public. The...
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