Climate Change Alarmist Leonardo DiCaprio Parties on Super Yacht in Sardinia
by Cristina Laila Climate Change alarmist Leonardo DiCaprio partied on a mega yacht along the coast of Sardinia this weekend. The jet-setting Hollywood elitist also partied on a yacht in Cannes last week during the Cannes Film Festival. DiCaprio has a history of lecturing the working class on global warming. Leonardo DiCaprio is allowed to live in mansions, fly around the world in private jets, party on super yachts but the rubes have to make sacrifices in order to fight climate change. Conservatives Are Looking For Ways To Boycott and Move Spending Away From Woke Corporations — Here Is...
by Cristina Laila Climate Change alarmist Leonardo DiCaprio partied on a mega yacht along the coast of Sardinia this weekend. The jet-setting Hollywood elitist also partied on a yacht in Cannes last week during the Cannes Film Festival. DiCaprio...
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