Tag Archive: Climate Change – ESPN Writer Loves Then Hates Looters

on June 5, 2020 in Right Edition Videos

Climate Change – ESPN Writer Loves Then Hates Looters

Why climate change is good for the world Don’t panic! The scientific consensus is that warmer temperatures do more good than harm Climate change has done more good than harm so far and is likely to continue doing so for most of this century. This is not some barmy, right-wing fantasy; it is the consensus of expert opinion. Yet almost nobody seems to know this. Whenever I make the point in public, I am told by those who are paid to insult anybody who departs from climate alarm that I have got it embarrassingly wrong, don’t know what I...

Why climate change is good for the world Don’t panic! The scientific consensus is that warmer temperatures do more good than harm Climate change has done more good than harm so far and is likely to continue doing so...

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