Climate Change Skepticism Now Virtually Illegal in Trudeau’s Canada
by James Delingpole Did you know that in President Bieber’s Canada it is now virtually illegal to express doubts about the existence of ManBearPig? No, I wouldn’t have believed it either, till I learned via Lorrie Goldstein about the extraordinary criminal action brought in Canada by a bunch of eco-fascistic litigants against three climate skeptical organisations. The complaint was filed by Ecojustice on behalf of six “prominent” Canadians, including former Ontario NDP leader and UN ambassador Stephen Lewis. It accused three groups, Friends of Science, the International Climate Science Coalition, and the Heartland Institute of making false and misleading claims about climate change, including...
by James Delingpole Did you know that in President Bieber’s Canada it is now virtually illegal to express doubts about the existence of ManBearPig? No, I wouldn’t have believed it either, till I learned via Lorrie Goldstein about the extraordinary criminal action brought...
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