Tag Archive: Climate Cult Now Targeting Classic Cars?

on October 3, 2023 in World News

Climate Cult Now Targeting Classic Cars?

By Danielle A California survey questioning the location and driving tendencies of classic car owners has many residents concerned the state will crackdown on vintage cars. California has reportedly proposed “zero emissions zones,” and classic car owners fear future legislation could place them in the crosshairs. The Daily Caller exclusively broke the story of an August 2nd survey by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) “about light-duty vehicles made in model year 1978 or earlier.” The survey reportedly sought information “about tendencies they have while using the classic vehicles, including the county in which they are primarily driven.” Report: California Looking...

By Danielle A California survey questioning the location and driving tendencies of classic car owners has many residents concerned the state will crackdown on vintage cars. California has reportedly proposed “zero emissions zones,” and classic car owners fear future...

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