Tag Archive: Climate Hysteria Turns to Minimizing ‘Cow Burps’

on October 22, 2016 in World News

Climate Hysteria Turns to Minimizing ‘Cow Burps’

by Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D Just when you think the global warming crowd can’t get any crazier, you find that they are now researching how to minimize the noxious effects of cow-belching on the environment by tweaking the bovine diet. Among frenzied climate watchers, cows have long been a suspicious bunch. A 2012 United Nations report found that the earth’s cattle population actually produces more carbon dioxide than automobiles, planes, and all other forms of transport combined. Moreover, the cow pies they drop and the wind they break produce a third of the world’s twenty-times-more-detrimental methane emissions. This past summer,...

by Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D Just when you think the global warming crowd can’t get any crazier, you find that they are now researching how to minimize the noxious effects of cow-belching on the environment by tweaking the bovine...

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