Tag Archive: Climate Is Not About Controlling the Weather

on February 2, 2020 in World News

Climate Is Not About Controlling the Weather, It’s About Controlling You!’

by James Delingpole Global warming isn’t really about climate but about leftist control freakery, author, lawyer and energy expert Steve Milloy told Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow on Sirius XM. Milloy said CO2 emissions are never going to go down because they are a product of human progress. But we shouldn’t worry because this is just another sign of rising living standards. “The bottom line is ‘climate’ is not about controlling the weather; it’s about controlling you”, Milloy told Marlow, in a broad-ranging discussion about global warming and the hypocrisy of the environmental movement. Marlow began by expressing skepticism about some...

by James Delingpole Global warming isn’t really about climate but about leftist control freakery, author, lawyer and energy expert Steve Milloy told Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow on Sirius XM. Milloy said CO2 emissions are never going to go down because...

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