on August 4, 2016 in World News
Clint Eastwood Dems Exploited Khan Family
Clint Eastwood says the Democrats used the Gold Star family as pawns at the convention. We got Clint leaving Craig’s in WeHo Wednesday night, and he had criticism for both parties. He clearly thinks Trump crossed the line in his now-famous feud with the Khan family, but he thinks the Dems share in the blame for putting the grieving family on display for political gain http://www.tmz.com/2016/08/04/clint-eastwood-kahn-family-democrats-trump/
Clint Eastwood says the Democrats used the Gold Star family as pawns at the convention. We got Clint leaving Craig’s in WeHo Wednesday night, and he had criticism for both parties. He clearly thinks Trump crossed the line in...
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