on October 22, 2016 in World News
Clinton Adviser: ‘Seems Odd’ To Put Tributes To ‘Four Guys’ In Benghazi Statement
by Michelle Moons In an email released by Wikileaks, Mandy Grunwald, political consultant to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, suggests that it seemed “odd” to place tributes to the “four guys” that died in the 2012 terror attack on Americans in Benghazi, Libya, in opening remarks prepared for Clinton. An email chain entitled “DRAFT: Opening Statement” involves discussion between Dan Schwerin, David Kendall, Jennifer Palmieri, Mandy Grunwald, Katherine Turner, Jake Sullivan, Cheryl Mills and Phil Barnett according to the Wikileaks released document. On October 16, 2015 Schwerin sends an initial draft of “HRC’s opening statement based on our discussion… View Article
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