Tag Archive: Clinton Exposed as ‘Awful

on October 24, 2016 in World News

Clinton Exposed as ‘Awful, Untrue and Evasive’ in Latest #PodestaEmails17 Dump

It’s that time of day again when the Twittersphere goes a bit crazy for the latest installment of the Podesta emails, scandalizing Hillary Clinton and her staff after the email account of her 2016 campaign director, John Podesta, was hacked. So, what’s Hillary done this time? Well, for one, she’s apparently a massive “fake,” according to one Twitter user who cites an email suggesting that Hillary Clinton should hold an end of summer party for the staff, “and she can say she’s grateful for everyone’s hard work for her.” “ And if some staff take pictures of her with...

It’s that time of day again when the Twittersphere goes a bit crazy for the latest installment of the Podesta emails, scandalizing Hillary Clinton and her staff after the email account of her 2016 campaign director, John Podesta, was...

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