It’s Time Conservative Warriors and People of Integrity Begin Indicting REAL Criminals Like the Bidens, Clintons, Obama, Pelosi, etc…
by Joe Hoft It’s time that Conservative leaders in red states across the country begin indicting real criminals who are destroying this country. Crimes by far-left criminals have been reported in the public arena and it’s now time to indict. Obama went after citizen Trump in 2011 when he was at a White House dinner. Obama hated Trump for shining light on his birth certificate. He hated anyone who did. Sheriff Joe Arpaio was attacked by Obama-Biden’s DOJ later for doing the same. Why such a response? Then citizen Trump decided to run for office. The Democrats and GOP...
by Joe Hoft It’s time that Conservative leaders in red states across the country begin indicting real criminals who are destroying this country. Crimes by far-left criminals have been reported in the public arena and it’s now time to...
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