Clueless Anti-Trump Protesters Don’t Know Why They Are Against POTUS
by Joshua Caplan In a hilarious video by Austen Fletcher, the YouTuber approaches a group of anti-Trump protesters to find out what exactly they are protesting. There is just one problem — They haven’t a clue why they are against President Trump. Infowars reports: One individual in a Spiderman mask crouching on the floor begins rambling semi-incoherantly, stating, “No Trump says no to racism.” “Let’s have a color-filled America, a melting pot, like America was supposed to be built on,” he adds. The man is then asked by Fletcher, “What about the diversity you’re seeing on the Trump side? There’s...
by Joshua Caplan In a hilarious video by Austen Fletcher, the YouTuber approaches a group of anti-Trump protesters to find out what exactly they are protesting. There is just one problem — They haven’t a clue why they are against...
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